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The impact of cryptocurrency on our environment

How crypto enthusiasts and NFTs contribute to environmental degradation

The Energy Issue:

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin use a lot of energy, which isn’t great for the environment. In fact, Bitcoin alone uses about as much electricity as 21% of Germany’s total! Most of this energy comes from not-so-good-for-the-planet sources like fossil fuels.

Carbon Footprint:

All that energy used by cryptocurrency mining creates a big problem: carbon emissions. These emissions are a big contributor to climate change and harm the environment. Many crypto miners rely on fossil fuels, which make things worse.

Electronic Waste:

With technology always advancing, there’s a constant need for new mining equipment. But what happens to the old stuff? It becomes electronic waste, or e-waste. And if not handled properly, it can be really bad for the environment and our health because of toxic materials like lead and mercury.

What Can We Do?

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and new cryptocurrencies might sound exciting, but they often don’t have much real-world use. Plus, many new coins end up crashing and are linked to scams. So, instead of adding more uncertain coins to the mix, we should focus on energy-efficient alternatives like Ethereum. If you want to get into cryptocurrency, think about choosing a trustworthy option that’s better for the environment. And remember, investing in crypto can be risky, both financially and environmentally. So, it’s essential to consider these factors before diving in.

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Mar 08, 80812 00:00 UTC
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